Growing, Learning, Rising Together in our Virtual Village
Learn & grow with a community of learners in our online revision classrooms
Supporting Our Schools
Supporting Our Parents
Supporting Our Learners
Supporting Our Teachers
Why Online
Revision Support?
Beat the Statistics
Very few learners who enter grade 1 are likely to matriculate and even fewer will qualify for higher education and Many who graduate are often ill-prepared for the working world and are likely to end up unemployed
It takes a Village
A recent study by DBE and NECT (National Education Collaboration Trust) found that parental and community involvement is critical in the schooling system to support overall learner achievement.
Trying Times
It is very clear many learners are in desperate need of support for home-based learning with simple things such as homework and school projects. COVID-19 will only make matters much worse as learners and parents need to work together to catch up on lost time
Our Numbers Speak For Themselves

Get Involved In Your
Child's Education
Our programs allow everyone to be active in their children’s education without adding additional pressure on your already busy life.
South Africa’s basic education system was ranked 75th out of 76 countries in a recent OECD report looking at maths and science results. What was also observed is that:
• Very few learners who enter grade 1 are likely to matriculate and even fewer will qualify for higher education
• Many who graduate are often ill-prepared for the
working world and are likely to end up unemployed
This is the South African reality for at least 70% of learners in SA public schools especially from township and rural communities due to factors such as:
• Most educators are ill-equipped for their jobs, some
are under-skilled and most are over-burdened
• Most schools are poorly governed, under-resourced
and over-populated
•Parental and community involvement in the
education system is limited due to various social
Featured Content

Woza Matrics
WOZA Matrics is a programme designed to help matrics catch up on their studies and to assist Matrics nationwide with learning materials and study tools via classes broadcast on TV channels, online platforms and radio.

Tswelopele is here to help learners catch up on the class time that they lost in 2020! We are helping learners in Grades R to 11 revise their work via resources available on our website and lessons broadcast on TV. In collaboration with a range of partners, the DBE, NECT & ETDP-SETA, DBE TV on Openview channel 122 will broadcast content for these learners from 01 March to 31 December 2021.

DBE Cloud
Learn Differently. Learn Digitally. Learn from Home. A single platform with multiple content packages. Grade 1 to 12. Zero Data on Telkom Mobile.
What They Say About Us
We believe unless something is done urgently our children will continue to inherit nothing but increasing poverty and unemployment.
Our Programs Offer: Universal & Affordable Access to Online Education Support
- Access to free & or sponsored e-learning platforms & school parent- learner(S-P-L) collaboration tools.
- Free &/or affordable connectivity solutions to access platforms & tools.
- Access to ongoing training & support for the various platforms & tools.